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25 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Mount Everest

25 Mind-Blowing Fun Facts About Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world, at 8848.86 meters (29,030 feet). The mountain has been attracting numerous visitors from around the world. The Everest is located in the Khumbu region of Nepal. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations for those looking for adventure and escape from their boring life. Likewise, you can do Base Camp Trek, climbing, helicopter tours, and other activities such as skiing, viewing stunning scenery, exploring rich ecosystems, and experiencing Sherpa culture and tradition.

Apart from the fun side, there are other alarming dangers. Moreover, there is a constant risk of altitude sickness, hypothermia, hypoxia, tiredness, etc. Having said that, more than 4000 people, from young to old, have summited Everest, and only 1% have failed. This is the lowest failure percentage. There are several other fun facts about Mount Everest that you might not know.

Locals call Mount Everest ‘Sagarmatha’

One of the most interesting facts about Mount Everest is that the local people of Nepal call Mount Everest ‘Sagarmatha’, meaning “Goddess of the sky”. Meanwhile, the Tibetans call it Chomolungma, meaning Goddess Mother of the World. Mount Everest was named after the leader of a British surveying team, Sir George Everest, in 1841.

Kami Rita Sherpa has Summited Mount Everest 30 Times

Fun Facts About Mount Everest
Kami Rita Sherpa – climbed Mount Everest 30 times

On May 22, 2024, a sherpa guide named Kami Rita Sherpa broke his previous record by climbing Mount Everest for the 30th time. He first summited Everest on May 13, 1994.

Mt Everest Grows 44 Millimetres Each Year

Each year, Mt Everest grows about 44 millimetres, which is why there is always controversy related to its height. In 1856, Andrew Waugh conducted a survey and declared the height of Everest to be 8840 meters (29,002 feet). But later, in 1975, a Chinese survey team conducted an expedition and measured the height to be 8848.13 meters.

Mount Everest is not Taller than Mauna Kea

Technically, the Mount Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world. Mauna Kea is taller than Mount Everest. On December 8, 2020, the Nepal government officially announced that Mount Everest’s height is 8848.86 meters above sea level (a survey conducted by the Nepalese government in collaboration with China). However, Mauna Kea is 10,210 meters tall but only 4,205 meters above sea level; the rest is under the sea.

Mount Everest is around 450 Million Years Old

Marine fossils were found on Everest by Noel Odell, an explorer, in 1924. The limestone and sandstone at the top of Everest, dating back to around 450 million, showed that Everest was once submerged under the sea. However, geologists believe that Everest came into existence around 60 million years ago due to the tectonic plate movement between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate.

You can Get Married at the Peak

Two climbers from Nepal, Moni Mulepati and Pem Dorjee Sherpa, got married on the summit of Everest in 2005. The marriage ceremony lasted about 10 minutes. Similarly, a Californian couple got engaged at Everest Base Camp.

Mount Everest is filled with Trash

Everest Fun Facts about
Trash in the Mount Everest

Mountaineers and trekkers on Everest can enjoy a magnificent view of Mount Everest, a few other high mountains, its surroundings, and many more. Additionally, Mount Everest trash is another ugly sight. The peak is filled with dead bodies and their belongings, giving trekkers a terrifying and unattractive look at the Sagarmatha.

Mount Everest is in Nepal and China

Nepal and China share ownership of Mount Everest. Nepal owns the southern face of the summit, and China owns the northern face. China shares about 1/3 of Mount Everest, while 2/3 of it lies in Nepal. The mountain can be reached through the South Col route from Nepal and the North Col route from China.

There is a Traffic jam on Mt Everest

Fun Facts About Mount Everest
Traffic of people on Mount Everest

Summiting Everest is comparatively easier than summiting other technical mountains and has a narrow climbing season (April, May, and September). For this reason, many mountaineers are attracted to summiting the world’s mountains during peak season. So, the queue for climbing the Everest has increased significantly. As a result, mainly on Hillary Step and the summit ridge face many traffic jams and competition to reach the peak faster.

Climbing Mount Everest is Expensive

Normally, the cost of climbing Mount Everest ranges from $40,000 to $50,000, depending on the group size, luxury and equipment, and support. Permits for climbing alone cost $11,000, and a Sherpa costs around $6,000. Likewise, a single bottle of oxygen will cost you around $500. You will also need travel insurance of around $4,000. The rest of the sum is occupied by your travel costs, mountaineering gear, guide fees, etc.

18 Routes to the top of Everest

Altogether, there are 18 different routes to the top of Everest. Among all the routes, the South Col route from Nepal and the North Col route from China are the most popular routes for reaching the summit of Everest. The southern route is an easier and more set route. The northern route is comparatively challenging, long, and technical.

Miura is the Oldest Person to climb Mount Everest

An 80-year-old man from Japan called Yuichiro Miura was the oldest person to climb Mount Everest. He summited the Everest in 2013, breaking his own ‘Oldest Everest Climber’ record at the age of 70.

Top 20 Fun Facts About Mount Everest
Yuichiro Miura – The oldest person to summit Everest at age 80

Tenzing is the First Person to Summit the Everest

The first person to climb Mount Everest was Tenzing Norgay Sherpa. On May 29, 1953, he summited the Everest with a New Zealand native, Sir Edmund Hillary. Similarly, Junko Tabei, of Japanese origin, was the first woman to summit Mount Everest successfully on May 16, 1975. Likewise, on April 22, 1993, Pasang Lhamu Sherpa became the first woman to reach the summit of Everest.

However, there is a controversy over whether climbers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine were the first to summit Everest in 1924. They were last seen on July 8, just below the summit, but there is no evidence of them summiting the mountain completely.

Fun Facts About Mount Everest
Junko Tabei – First woman to summit Mount Everest

Everest is not the farthest point from the Earth’s center

Due to the Earth’s structure, bulging at the equator of about 21 km, Everest is not the farthest point from the Earth’s centre despite being the tallest point on Earth. In Ecuador, Chimborazo, with a height of 6,310 meters, is the farthest point from the Earth’s centre.

Nothing lives on top of Mount Everest

The temperature is always below -20°C, and the oxygen level is just one-third that of the sea level on Everest. These extreme climatic conditions do not allow anything to grow or live. However, below an altitude of 6,800 meters, you can find Himalayan plant and animal species living.

Mt Everest Weight 357 Trillion Pounds

Although the actual weight of Mt Everest is unknown, it is estimated to be 357 trillion pounds (approximately 162 trillion kg), excluding the weight of ice and snow. A reference given by ‘Human Compares’ showed a rough comparison between a human and Everest that gave the estimated weight of Everest.

Denali is taller than Everest

Everest vs Denali (Mauna Kea) – in terms of height from base to tip

Technically, Denali is taller than Everest. Everest sits on a Tibetan plateau of 17,000 feet, extending to an elevation of 29,030 feet. However, Denali’s bast starts only from an elevation of 2,000 feet, reaching 20,310 feet. So, if we are to measure the height of Denali and Everest from base to tip, Everest’s height would only be about 12,000 feet, and Denali’s would be 18,000 feet. Hence, Denali is 6,000 feet taller than the Everest.

Jordan is the Youngest person to climb Mount Everest

The youngest person to climb Mount Everest was a 13-year-old American boy named Jordan Romero. Jordan summited the mountain in 2010 with the support of his parents and three Sherpas.

Temperature Drops to -20°C at Summit

Mount Everest has one of the harshest climatic conditions on top. The minimum temperature you can get on the summit is -20°C. The last 3000 meters are always covered in snow, making the temperature cold.

Sherpa carrying accessories on the mountain

Fastest time to climb Everest is just 10 hours and 56 minutes

Lakpa Gelu Sherpa set the record for the fastest time to climb Everest in 2003, at 10 hours and 56 minutes. He summited Everest from the Base Camp through the mountain’s south face.

Around 2 months to climb Mount Everest

It would take you about 40-60 days to climb the Everest. You will need to acclimatize to the increasing elevation. Normally, you will cover only an elevation of 100 meters. Reaching the Base Camp alone takes around 15-20 days.

You can stay for about 48 hours in the Death Zone

The average time you can stay in the Death Zone is only around 48 hours, with the help of an oxygen cylinder. It is recommended that you only spend 14-16 hours in the notorious Death Zone. However, there is no restriction on how long you stay in the Death Zone or how long you take to climb Everest.

Ski or Snowboarding is another Adventure on Everest

Skiing or snowboarding is one of the fastest and most thrilling ways to descend Mount Everest. In 2000, a professional skier named Davo Karnicar descended from the peak to the base camp in just five hours. This attempt opened a new possibility of adventure in Nepal’s high peaks.

Skiers skiing down the slopes of a mountain
Skiers skiing down the slopes of a mountain

Over 200 Dead Bodies Still Sleep on Everest

There are still over 200 unfound dead bodies on the slopes of Mount Everest. Most of them are well preserved due to the freezing temperature. Extraction of that body is not easy due to the extreme weather conditions at the peak. The rescuers themselves might fall victim in the hands of the mountain. One of the evident proofs is the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ incident where the husband perished in the mountain in the rescue mission of his wife.

Meteorites fall on the Everest

Many meteorites have struck Everest’s towering heights as they passed within Earth’s atmosphere. These meteorites are often covered by snow or hard to identify. Knowing alone that they exist adds to the thrill of encountering one.

If you have any other mind-blowing fun facts about Mount Everest, remember to write them down.

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Samyog is a travel enthusiast and a content writer at Himalayan Masters. He likes to learn from experience. He likes learning and writing about different interesting topics and cultural aspects.


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