Travel Guides

Nepal Trekking Routes

travel guide
Packing List For Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

Packing List For Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek

The quantity of the goods you need to pack depends on the length, trekking trails, and the trip season. Basically, we focus on the items required for the Ghorepani Poon Hill trek. We have prepared the detailed list below to make your trip comfortable so you will fully enjoy the journey.

The Essential Items For Poon Hill Trek

  • Rucksack with waterproof cover (30-35 liters capacity):
    The one you need at first for keeping other essentials.
  • A pair of shoes:
    This trip is not much difficult one so, any outdoor shoes work for you. However, if you have the official hiking boots, it is great. Whichever you take ensure that is lighter.
  • Hiking pants:
    These pants contain extra side pockets, and they can also be folded into knee-length shorts
  • Waterproof trousers or a pair of yoga pants:
    It makes you more comfortable for the hike. Choose double layers that help you keep warm.
  • Thermal shirts and trousers:
    They should be thick enough to maintain heat, but make sure they are flexible for proper movement.
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts: better if you manage for each day
  • Fleece jacket/down jacket
  • Wind/water proof jacket
  • Socks: 4-6 pairs
  • Underwear: 4-6 pairs
  • Sunglasses and sun hat: Essential for protecting your face and neck from direct sunlight
  • Sun protection cream
  • Lip balm
  • Woolen cap or Balaclava: It is important to protect your face and neck from bitter cold
  • Inner and outer gloves
  • Headlamp
  • Power bank/extra batteries
  • Wet wipes/hand sanitizers
  • Towel
  • Rubber sandal
  • Toiletries
  • Reusable water bottle and water purification tablets
  • Sleeping bag
  • Enough cash for the trek: you rarely find ATMs on the trekking trail
  • Camera

Optional Items For Poon Hill Trek Packing List

  • Trekking pole:
    It might be useful for you on the slippery and complicated trail.
  • Toilet paper:
    You can also buy it on the way.
  • First-aid- Kit:
    No bother for the organized group as your guide will carry. Still, you are suggested to include some of the items like motion sickness pills, electronic thermometer, aspirin, iodine tablets, birth control, some oral-rehydration packets, and tiger balm which is great for bites and sting.
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Wristwatch
  • Dust mask: Useful especially for a dusty section of the trail.
  • Money belt
  • Menstrual supplies for women
  • Favourite snacks/herbal teas
  • Games or books: It can be helpful in ‘downtime’
  • Maps/language or guidebooks:
    Essential for independent trekkers but no bother for organized group Essential Documents.
  • Travel Insurance:
    Travel insurance is a must for trekking in the Himalayas. The policy covers you for any unexpected accidents and emergencies.
  • Passport:
    A passport is the primary document to enter any foreign country.
  • Nepal Visa:
    A visa is essential for most foreigners staying in Nepal. It can be acquired in Kathmandu or in advance at your nearest Nepali Embassy or consulate. The visa fee is generally $40 for one month.
  • Tickets
  • We recommend you make at least three copies of all your documents. Take one with you, one at the house, and one with your travel partner that becomes helpful at the time of emergency.

Aren’t You Overpacking?

  1. Journal or Book:
    You might think this is a great time to read, but mostly, it is not practical.
     In case you have to do it, better download it to your phone.
  2. Drone:
    It is amazing to capture the stunning views using drones but most parts of Nepal are restricted for the drone. It might be only the extra weight for you.
  3. Laptop:
    Most things you can do on your phone. It does not only make extra weight but also adds the trouble to protect it in the bag. It might get broken unless it is put in the bag safely.
  4. Snacks:
    The snacks at the teahouse and on the trail might be more delicious.

Finally, make the decisions smartly about what to take and what not so that you will have a lifelong thrilling experience of the Himalayan trek.


Based on your preferences, location, timeframe, and budget, our team can design your dream trek based on our extensive knowledge and experience of the Himalayas. Get in touch with us for detailed information and assistance planning your dream trek. With our 97% success rate on trekking and climbing trips in 2022 and 2023 spring season, we will answer any questions you may have and guide you for an unforgettable experience.