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EBC Altitude Sickness: A Complete Guide to Avoid

EBC Altitude Sickness: A Complete Guide to Avoid

Everest Base Camp (EBC), lying within the Khumbu region of Nepal, is a wonder in itself. EBC trek is known for its magnificent view of the world’s superlative mountain, Mount Everest (8848.86 meters). The Everest Base Camp trek roughly concludes 130 km; within this distance, you will be mesmerized by the varied terrains, unpredictable Everest Base Camp weather, diverse flora and fauna, etc. Along with the thrill, satisfaction, and enthusiasm offered by the Base Camp Trek, there are various dangers, such as Everest Base Camp altitude sickness (EBC altitude sickness), hypothermia, hypoxia, etc.

Annually, Mount Everest Base Camp welcomes more than 50,000 visitors, all combined Sagarmatha National Park visits, Everest Base Camp trek, and Mount Everest climb. The Everest Base Camp elevation reaches the highest altitude of 5,364 meters (17,598 feet). The Mount Everest Base Camp trek is comparatively more difficult than other low-altitude treks. The Everest Base Camp altitude reaches a significant height where there are chances of being a victim of altitude sickness and other risks. Therefore, it is advised that you add 1 or 2 days for acclimatization to your Everest Base Camp hike itinerary.

What is EBC Altitude Sickness?

The EBC altitude sickness or Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a condition where people encounter as they ascend to higher altitudes (normally altitude over 2500 meters) without acclimatizing. As we move to higher altitudes, the density of breathable oxygen level Everest Base Camp decreases significantly. So, our lungs do not get enough oxygen, resulting in altitude sickness Everest Base Camp. Altitude sickness effects our respiratory system.

EBC Altitude Sickness
A man having a headache due to altitude sickness

The early signs of the EBC altitude sickness are headaches, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite, and insomnia. It is crucial to recognize these early symptoms of altitude sickness Everest. If not recognized on time, it might result in fatality. It is recommended that your high-altitude trek itinerary should include an acclimatization day and ascend only about 500 meters of height. In case of emergency, we need to look for the Everest Base Camp Helicopter evacuation.

Anyone who wants to explore the Khumbu region and Base Camp requires decent physical and mental stability. You need to have good cardiovascular and be mentally prepared for any kind of risks that might happen. For a better, safe, and comfortable travel experience, book your trek with Himalayan Masters at the most affordable Everest Base Camp cost.

What is AMS Altitude Sickness?

AMS altitude sickness is a condition of a body where one of our sensory organs feels that our body is not in balance while other sensory organs are stable. Mainly, the inner ear and eye feel that our body is not in stable condition. This leads to dizziness, nausea, headaches, etc. Fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of interest in eating, and insomnia are other symptoms of AMS altitude sickness.

These symptoms could last for a few hours. The best way to encounter altitude sickness Everest Base Camp is to acclimatize to the rapid increase in Everest Base Camp elevation, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated.

Acclimatization is the process of getting accustomed to the rapid increase in altitude and decreasing Everest Base Camp oxygen level. You can adjust to the EBC altitude by slow and gradual ascension, including rest/acclimatization day in your trekking itinerary, but climbing to a higher altitude, descending to a lower altitude area and spending the night.

EBC Altitude Sickness
A man feeling dizziness due to altitude sickness

Causes of Everest Base Camp Altitude Sickness

With the increase in altitude, generally above 2,500 meters, the availability of breathable oxygen level Everest Base Camp becomes scarce. To fulfil the required amount of oxygen by our lungs, the body starts to breathe rapidly and increase heart rate. This causes leaks in fluids on our capillaries and causes altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp. The following elements can cause altitude sickness effects during the trek:

  • A sudden increase in elevation
  • Exhaustion
  • Dehydration
  • Hypothermia
  • Consumption of neuroleptics
  • Physical and mental health.

How to Avoid Altitude Sickness Everest Base Camp?

You can follow several approaches to avoid altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp. You can follow these methods to tackle low oxygen level Everest Base Camp.

Ascent GraduallyGradual ascension is one of the best ways to overcome depleting Everest Base Camp oxygen level. The body needs to get habituated to the decreasing oxygen level as we move to higher altitude treks, such as Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Base Camp, and Manaslu Base Camp. In general, it is recommended that we ascend only 500 meters a day with proper rest; it is a tolerable height for acclimatizing. Also, we can and need to include a rest day or acclimatization day in our itinerary. This method gives us enough time to acclimatize to the increasing height and thin oxygen level.

Get Proper Hydration and Nutrition

The Everest Base Camp oxygen level gets thinner and thinner as we move towards Base Camp. The presence of thin air extracts moisture from our body, dehydrating the body. This is the main cause of catching altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp. To tackle this, we must drink a sufficient amount of water. Not only the thin air but also sweat can cause dehydration. So, it is advised to drink 500 ml of lukewarm water every half hour’s interval. Avoid any consumption of chilled water.

Likewise, a balanced diet is equally important as any other method to avoid Everest Base Camp altitude sickness. It is usual to lose appetite due to exhaustion at high altitudes. The body burns more energy during the Everest Base Camp trek. To overcome calorie deficit, remember to eat healthy foods in Everest Base Camp that are easy to digest and contain high calories that are available in the area. Avoid trekking on an empty belly or when you are on a diet.

Be Physically and Mentally Fit

Physical and mental strength might not be critical points in avoiding altitude sickness. However, being physically strong and mentally stable is surely going to be a key asset. The Everest Base Camp Trek is a challenging trek requiring physical and mental fitness. Even the fittest can be victims of altitude sickness. Having said that, it is going to prove beneficial if you have good stamina and are in good shape to tackle an unforeseen obstacle. A psychological state can be a prime asset for building confidence and enjoying the trip to the fullest. Being one with nature can be an escape from altitude sickness and a hectic schedule.

To improve your strength and stamina, you can do a few strength-building exercises like running, skipping, swimming, cycling, etc. Additionally, for mental strength, you can do yoga, meditation, asana, etc. Consult with your doctor if you are physically and mentally fit if required.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Smoking

With the increase in altitude, the thin air dries up your body liquid. Over that, consumption of alcohol and smoking further dries your internal liquid level and reduces Everest Base Camp oxygen level from our tissues. A decent amount of alcohol and smoking is acceptable after moving to a lower altitude, but not more.


In case of any emergency or instance of altitude sickness, acetazolamide (Diamox) is the most common medicine prescribed to avoid and reduce the symptoms of Everest Base Camp altitude sickness. A steroid, Dexamethasone, can be used to overcome depleting oxygen level Everest Base Camp. This medicine might not be available everywhere, so get information beforehand. However, without experts’ advice, they should not take any medication. You can opt for other home remedies, such as garlic and ginger soup.

Other ways that we can avoid altitude sickness at EBC

Apart from the above-mentioned methods, you need to be aware of various other aspects to prevent altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp. One thing you need to be aware of is the recognition of early signs of altitude sickness. Therefore, recognition of early symptoms of altitude sickness can prove to be a lifesaver. We need to be aware of our physical limits and seek help in case of need.

Additionally, being mentally prepared and able to take instant action is crucial in cases on high-altitude treks such as the Manaslu Circuit Trek, Langtang Valley Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, etc. In case of severe conditions, you need to be able to take the best possible action might it be descending to a lower altitude or helicopter evacuation.

Everest Base Camp Altitude Sickness
Everest Base Camp

What Elevation Causes Altitude Sickness?

The chances of altitude sickness start at an elevation of 2,500 meters, but in general, people feel altitude sickness at an elevation of around 3,500 meters. In the case of the EBC trek, Namche Bazar lies at an elevation of 3,440 meters, so trekkers start suffering from altitude sickness from here. To avoid altitude sickness, our itinerary includes an acclimatization day at Namche Bazar.

EBC Altitude Sickness
Namche Bazar


Can you get altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp?

Everest Base Camp is a high-altitude trek. So, you are likely to get altitude sickness.

What is altitude of Everest Base Camp?

The altitude of Everest Base Camp is 5,346 meters (17,598 feet).

How much does it cost to do Base Camp Everest?

The Base Camp Everest trek cost can range from $1,200 to $3000. With Himalayan Masters, it costs only $1,500, including all the permits, accommodation, food, etc.

Check out Everest Base Camp Cost for full information.

What are the high altitude to low altitude effects?

Moving from the high-altitude to low-altitude has positive effects. Headaches, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. are all solved.

Can altitude sickness be dangerous?

Yes, altitude sickness can be dangerous; in the worst case, it could be fatal. It is better to identify the early signs of Everest Base Camp altitude sickness. For full disclosure of challenges during the EBC trek, please visit Everest Base Camp Trek Difficulty (for 2024).

Can altitude sickness cause body aches?

Along with other symptoms of altitude sickness, body aches are common symptoms of altitude sickness.

Can altitude sickness cause chills?

In response to depleting oxygen level Everest Base Camp, altitude sickness can cause chills to counter to maintain body temperature.


Based on your preferences, location, timeframe, and budget, our team can design your dream trek based on our extensive knowledge and experience of the Himalayas. Get in touch with us for detailed information and assistance planning your dream trek. With our 97% success rate on trekking and climbing trips in 2022 and 2023 spring season, we will answer any questions you may have and guide you for an unforgettable experience.